Press Guidelines

I. Press Registration

The ANESTHESIOLOGY® 2024 annual meeting is open to any individual representing a recognized news organization. Press credentials* to cover American Society of Anesthesiologists® (ASA) meetings are granted to no more than three individuals from any one news organization. Those desiring to register additional representatives must contact the ASA Public Relations Department for approval.

ASA allows credible bloggers and digital media reporters to receive credentials. These individuals must have a high level of health care expertise and report on news, events or health-related topics. Bloggers and digital media reporters are held to the same standards of ethics, professionalism and transparency as traditional press.

Video crews and photographers from news organizations can also receive credentials. However, any filming or photographing must be pre-approved by the presenter and ASA, and is prohibited during educational sessions. These individuals must check-in onsite by calling Theresa Hill, ASA director of public relations, at (773) 330-5273 or LaSandra Cooper, ASA associate director of public relations, at (708) 650-2886 prior to filming or photographing. Individuals must always be accompanied by ASA staff while filming or photographing. All other individuals are prohibited from filming or photographing.

Individuals with the following affiliations will not be granted press credentials and are welcome to register under the general registration procedure:

  • Advertising
  • Marketing
  • Public relations
  • Sales representatives
  • Financial or business analysts
  • Media education companies
  • Trade press management personnel
  • Editors or reporters from manufacturers or other companies

*Press credentials are at the sole discretion of the ASA Public Relations Department.

Press can register for ANESTHESIOLOGY 2024 by emailing [email protected] with a copy of their press credentials or letter of assignment.

II. Press Check In

Upon arrival at the ANESTHESIOLOGY 2024 annual meeting, press must check-in by contacting Theresa Hill, ASA director of public relations, at (773) 330-5273,  to receive their credentials. Registrants must provide photo identification issued by federal, state or local government, a letter of assignment on company letterhead or a business card. Samples of the publication being represented may be required. Registrants without proper identification will not be admitted.

A press badge is required for admittance to all meeting activities and must be visible at all times.

I. General Conditions

Press with credentials may cover all presentations with the exception of certain closed events, roundtable discussions and ticketed courses. Please contact the ASA Public Relations Department for assistance in scheduling interviews and locating presenters.

Press with credentials are observers of, and not participants in, all presentation question-and-answer sessions. With prior permission from the presenter, questions from press are limited to before and after presentations. ASA may restrict press attendance at any session for patient confidentiality or any other reason.

ASA holds copyright to all educational materials presented at ASA meetings. Under no circumstances may the information presented at the meeting be published in its original format via print, broadcast or electronic media. Scientific news releases from ASA do not reflect the views, policies or standards of the Society. The research presented in the releases should be attributed to the individual physician anesthesiologist, not ASA.

II. Industry Media Relations Guidelines

ASA understands its meetings are an opportunity for industry representatives to communicate with key customers and one of those customers is the press. As such, ASA requires industry representatives to familiarize themselves with the following guidelines and respect them accordingly:

  • ASA does not make its current press registration list available. However, the list from the previous year’s meeting may be requested.
  • Companies may not request press credentials for any of their staff.
  • Press briefings other than those organized by ASA are not permitted in any convention meeting area or the headquarter hotel. Materials must be submitted to the ASA Public Relations Department for approval.
  • Non-ASA generated materials created by exhibitors can be displayed to communicate with the press as space allows at the exhibitor’s booth. Materials must be submitted to the ASA Public Relations Department for approval.
  • All information presented at ASA meetings, including studies and lay language summaries, is embargoed until the date and time of presentation.
  • No filming or photography is allowed by industry personnel.

III. Proof of Coverage

If you attended a past meeting as media, ASA reserves the right to request copies of articles or broadcast coverage resulting from that assignment to be credentialed as press at subsequent ASA meetings. If a news outlet registers a staff member or freelancer, the outlet must furnish proof of resulting original coverage in order to send a representative in subsequent years. ASA is not responsible for locating past coverage.


Curated by: LaSandra Cooper

Date of last update: July 11, 2024