Humanitarian Award

Nicholas Greene, MD Award for Outstanding Humanitarian Contribution - Accepting Nominations

The ASA Nicholas Greene, MD Award for Outstanding Humanitarian Contribution will be awarded annually to the ASA member who meets one or more of the criteria, is nominated by a peer or colleague and selected by the Committee on Global Health.

Award Criteria

  • ASA Member with a long term commitment to humanitarian aid and disaster relief within the U.S. (or their country of origin) or internationally
  • ASA Member who has contributed to international anesthesia education and training in low income countries
  • ASA Member who has made a substantial contribution to the humanitarian aid and disaster relief literature within anesthesia or otherwise
  • ASA Member who has made a unique sacrifice to serve others in their community, in the U.S. (or their country of origin) or internationally
  • ASA Member who has contributed to the humanitarian aid and disaster relief community through innovation, technology, data outcomes analysis, etc.

Award Process

Any member of the ASA meeting the above criteria may be nominated by filling out the nomination form. Self-nominations are also accepted. All nominations are due by April 30th, 2025. If you have any questions, please contact Angelica Batha at [email protected].

  • One letter of support
  • One updated CV
  • Statement that the nominee is willing to be considered
  • Documentation of International Involvement should not exceed 5 pages

All NMG award applications will be reviewed by the Committee on Global Health and the years recipient informed well in advance of the ASA annual meeting.

The Humanitarian Award will be presented each year at the annual meeting in the form of a certificate/plaque consistent with other awards, signed by the ASA president and chair of the ASA GHO Committee.

Past Award Winners:

2024 Nicholas Greene MD Humanitarian Award winner Adrian W. Gelb, MBChB, FRCA, FRCPC

2023 Nicholas Greene MD Humanitarian Award winner Berend Mets, MB, ChB, PhD, MFA, FRCA, FFA(SA)

2022 Nicholas Greene MD Humanitarian Award winner Faye M. Evans, MD

2021 Nicholas Greene MD Humanitarian Award winner Edward C. Clune, MD

2020 Nicholas Greene MD Humanitarian Award winner Elizabeth T. Drum, MD, FAAP, FCPP, FASA

2019 Nicholas Greene MD Humanitarian Award winner Elizabeth Frost, MD

2018 Nicholas Greene, M.D. Humanitarian Award winner Patrick M. McQuillan, MD

2017 Nicholas Greene, M.D. Humanitarian Award winner Kelly McQueen, MD, MPH

2016 Award Winner: Mark W. Newton, MD
The following is an excerpt from one of Dr. Newton’s letters of support:
"Dr. Newton and his family moved to East Africa in 1997, and he has lived within walking distance of Kijabe Hospital in Kenya full-time for over 18 years…In Kenya, through a partnership with the Kenya Ministry of Health, Dr. Newton has organized a program of anesthesia education and training for local anesthesia providers. This program has graduated providers, up to 20 students per class, who are qualified in basic general and regional anesthesia techniques, and who have remained in the rural areas of Kenya, providing safe anesthesia care. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of Dr. Newton's 'teach a man to fish' approach to anesthesia in Kenya."

2015 Award Winner: Medge M. Owen, MD
“Dr. Owen’s major focus every day is the success of Kybele. (Kybele is a humanitarian organization dedicated to improving childbirth safety worldwide through educational partnerships.) Sacrifice of her personal treasure, giving of heroic amounts of her time, and dedicated focused leadership to achieve impressive results is the best characterization of her achievements.”

2014 Award Winner: Lena E. Dohlman, M.D, MPH
“Dr. Dohlman ranks as one of the truly exceptional volunteers – she brings a passion and caring to her volunteer work that are extraordinary. She has given generously of her time and energy to open a world of opportunity for many young professionals … for the SEA-HVO Fellowship. She is truly a humanitarian in every sense of the word.”

2013 Award Winner:  George A. Gregory, MD
"George Gregory, M.D. has worked for more than 20 years as a volunteer for Interplast. He pioneered and established teaching conferences and educational programs in Asia, South America and Africa. Dr. Gregory initiated an “e-book” on anesthesiology for practitioners in the developing world."

2012 Award Winner:  Angela Enright. OC, MB, FRCPC

2011 Award Winner:  Phillip O. Bridenbaugh, MD
“Dr. Bridenbaugh distinguished himself as an educator, leader and mentor to countless physicians and anesthesiologists. During his outstanding academic career, his innovative thinking and research advanced the science of anesthesiology.” He “continues to make significant contributions to the international anesthesiology community through his dedicated work.”

2024 Nicholas Greene MD Humanitarian Award winner Adrian W. Gelb, MBChB, FRCA, FRCPC

Date of last update: January 29, 2025