Swimming with the Sharks Innovation Challenge

Sunday, October 20 | 4:30 – 6 p.m. | Center Stage in the Exhibit Hall

The sharks are circling—hungry to hear your idea

Get off the sidelines and into the tank. Pitch your specialty-revolutionizing product or technique to a packed audience and judging panel at ANESTHESIOLOGY 2024.

Swimming with the Sharks Innovation Challenge, hosted by Dr. Barrett Larson and Dr. Sean Runnels, returns to Center Stage this year, providing entrepreneurs and inventors feedback to help move innovative ideas forward. And why not? No one knows anesthesiology challenges—and possible solutions—better than you.

Sign up to share your concept during the Swimming with the Sharks Innovation Challenge! Three finalists will be selected to present their pitches live for the opportunity to win a $1,000 cash prize, award recognition, and special spotlight from ASA. Additional runners-up will be offered the opportunity to have their elevator pitches played during the Innovation Challenge. Submissions close July 31, 2024.


Application Details:

  • Application Format: Video-recorded elevator pitch
    • Duration: ~ 2 mins (3 mins max)
    • Use Loom to record your pitch (learn how)
  • Submission Deadline: July 31, 2024

Key Elements of an Effective Elevator Pitch:

  1. Problem:
    • Clearly state the specific problem your solution addresses.
    • Highlight the clinical and economic importance of solving this problem.
  2. Solution:
    • Describe how your solution effectively tackles the problem.
    • Explain what makes your approach unique, protectable (e.g., patents), and impactful.
  3. Market:
    • Identify your target customers and their willingness to pay.
  4. Business:
    • Provide a high-level financial snapshot to demonstrate the viability of your business model.
    • Share any significant milestones your team has achieved.
  5. Team:
    • Highlight your team’s qualifications and expertise to ensure successful execution of the solution.

Date of last update: June 18, 2024