Announcing Changes to the Mentored Research Training Grant (MRTG)

March 5, 2025

This is an announcement of changes to the Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research’s (FAER) flagship Mentored Research Training Grant (MRTG), to be enacted as an 18-month pilot program beginning with the Fall 2025 Grant Cycle.

Changes entail an increase in the total funding offered by the MRTG from $250,000 to $300,000 over a two-year period, and a reduction in the minimum protected time from 75% to 60%.

In 2023, the FAER Board of Directors commissioned a taskforce to assess the increasing pressures on anesthesiology departments that limit their ability to develop and support physician-scientists. The taskforce responsible for the assessment and compiling of findings represented a broad range of perspectives and extensive experience working as physician-scientists in anesthesiology. Following FAER’s Fall 2024 Board meeting, the Board voted to make these changes (in bold above) based on analysis presented by the taskforce.

FAER is committed to supporting the next generation of physician-scientists. As noted above, the changes to the MRTG will go into effect as part of FAER’s Fall 2025 grant cycle, applications for which open on June 1, 2025. Updated grant instructions will be made available in advance of the Fall cycle opening.

Note that the reduction in protected time is only a change to the minimum required amount, offering greater flexibility to applicants by presenting this requirement as a range of 60% - 75% rather than a fixed level. Applicants will still be able to request more than 60% protected time. The increased funding amount from $250,000 to $300,000 was made in recognition of growing financial pressures and inflation, including the substantial increase in faculty salaries since the MRTG’s last increase from $175,000 to $250,000 in 2018.

The changes outlined in this announcement are structured as a pilot program, to run for 18 months beginning with the Fall 2025 Grant Cycle. During this period, FAER will assess results of the change and its impact on applicants and awardees. Following the conclusion of the 18-month pilot program, the FAER Board will reassess the changes to this funding mechanism.

Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions. We welcome your feedback.

FAER is a related organization of the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA). For over 35 years, FAER has been dedicated to developing the next generation of physician-investigators in anesthesiology. Charitable contributions and support to FAER help fuel the future of anesthesiology through scientific discovery. Funding priorities include: Research, Education, and Training. At the time of this article's publication, FAER has awarded more than $58 million in research grants and programs since 1986. To donate to FAER, visit

Curated by: BH

Last updated by: BH

Date of last update: March 5, 2025