Academy of Research Mentors in Anesthesiology

The FAER Academy of Research Mentors in Anesthesiology (ARMA) facilitates the development of educational and research programs for junior faculty members, and it supports faculty members in mentoring roles. ARMA is a resource for the development of mentors and role models in academic anesthesia.

Academy members include academic anesthesiologists and others who have demonstrated outstanding contributions to the development of physician scientists in anesthesia. The academy is led by a council, elected by the academy membership. Current councilors include:

President: Pamela Flood, MD
President-Elect: Peter Nagele, MD
Past President: Monica Vavilala, MD
Councilors: Pratik Pandharipande, MD, MSc
Philip G. Morgan, MD
Edward R. Sherwood III, MD, PhD


Current Activities

Workshop at the ANESTHESIOLOGY® Annual Meeting
The FAER Academy of Research Mentors in Anesthesiology hosts a workshop at the ANESTHESIOLOGY annual meeting. Academy members and leaders in anesthesia research participate. Topics range from how to find a mentor to how to apply for federal funding and more.

FAER Mentoring Excellence in Research Award
The FAER Mentoring Excellence in Research Award recognizes the value of outstanding mentors in anesthesiology. Each year, the Academy of Research Mentors in Anesthesiology presents the award at the ANESTHESIOLOGY annual meeting during the Celebration of Research.

Learn more about the Mentoring Excellence in Research Award 


Contact the FAER office at (630) 912-2554 or [email protected].

Curated by: BH

Last updated by: BH

Date of last update: November 13, 2024