FAER Mentoring Excellence in Research Award

The FAER Mentoring Excellence in Research Award recognizes the value of outstanding mentors in anesthesiology. The FAER Academy of Research Mentors in Anesthesiology presents the award at the ANESTHESIOLOGY® annual meeting during the Celebration of Research.

The award recognizes mentorship rather than scientific accomplishment. It acknowledges the successful development of mentees who also go on to become physician scientists, ultimately shaping the future of the specialty.

Nomination Process

Nominations for the 2025 FAER Mentoring Excellence in Research Award will open in early 2025. Final selections will be based on a consensus of the Mentor Award Study Section, a subcommittee of the FAER Academy of Research Mentors.

Eligibility Requirements

  • All nominees must be actively engaged in anesthesiology mentorship.
  • Nominees of all nationalities and countries of residence are eligible. However, all application materials must be submitted in English.
  • Nominees may include basic, clinical or translational researchers and individuals working in anesthesiology.
  • Nominees should have a sustained record of mentoring anesthesiologists over time.
  • Nominators must be mentees of the nominee or colleagues who have personal knowledge of the nominee’s mentoring efforts.
  • Mentees should be actively involved in research, teaching, mentoring or other leadership activities.
  • The nominator and primary and secondary mentees must be three separate people.


  • Prior recipients of the FAER Mentoring Excellence in Research Award are ineligible.
  • Self-nominations and posthumous nominations will not be accepted.

Award Criteria

This award is based on the training experiences and successes of the nominee’s mentees—not on the mentor’s personal career achievements. For the purpose of this award, mentoring is defined as the process of guiding, supporting and promoting the training and career development of others. The key roles of a mentor include, but are not limited to:

  • Encouraging intellectual growth and development
  • Guiding career development
  • Providing professional guidance
  • Helping mentors to network with other relevant professionals and faculty
  • Demonstrating concern and support for personal development
  • Advocating for the mentee
  • Demonstrating a long-term commitment to mentoring
  • Being a role model

Nomination Materials

Nominators must submit the following to FAER via email at [email protected] by March 31.

  1. The nomination form (Click to download the form.)
  2. Three letters of recommendation:
    A. One letter written by the nominator that summarizes the nominee’s impact on the training/careers of his/her mentees.
    B. Two letters written by primary and secondary mentees (former or current mentees) who can provide first-hand accounts of how the nominee influenced their careers. Mentees’ academic, clinical, educational and regulatory achievements will be considered.
  3. The nominee’s curriculum vitae.
  4. The completed Mentor Table (Click to download the form.)
  5. Up to three additional letters of support from junior or senior faculty will be accepted, but are not required.

Past Award Recipients

Alex S. Evers, MD
Washington University School of Medicine

Edward R. Sherwood, PhD, MD
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Mervyn Maze, MBChB, FRCP, FRCA, FMedSci
University of California, San Francisco

Joseph P. Mathew, MD, MHSc, MBA, FASE
Duke University School of Medicine

Lee A. Fleisher, MD
University of Pennsylvania

Pratik Pandharipande, MD
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Charles W. Emala, MD
Columbia University

J.A. Jeevendra Martyn, MD, FRCA, FCCM
Massachusetts General Hospital


Margaret Wood, MD
Columbia University

David S. Warner, MD
Duke University

Jay Yang, MD, PhD, MSEE
University of Wisconsin

Harriet Hopf, MD
University of Utah

Roderic G. Eckenhoff, MD
University of Pennsylvania

Michael J. Joyner, MD
Mayo Clinic

Evan D. Kharasch, MD, PhD
Washington University in St. Louis

David C. Warltier, MD, PhD
Medical College of Wisconsin

Curated by: BH

Last updated by: BH

Date of last update: February 19, 2025