2022 Honor Your Mentor

FAER’s mission becomes reality through generous financial support of our grants and programs. Private support of FAER funds discoveries and innovations that change the way we practice medicine and care for our patients.

FAER recognizes the critical impact the mentor-mentee relationship often has on one's life and career. Each year we ask supporters who believe in education, research, and the advancement of medicine to make a donation in honor of their mentor or mentee. Mentors and Mentees honored with a donation to FAER will receive a letter notifying them of the donation, a pin they can wear to commemorate the honor, as well as inclusion in our list of honorees below.

Honor Your Mentor and donate today!

2022 Honor Your Mentor Donors and Honorees
*Alphabetized by mentor/honoree last name.*

John C. Rowlingson, MD, FACA, in honor of the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine

Jerome Klafta, MD, in honor of Dr. Jeffrey Apfelbaum

Muhammad Salman Janjua, MD, in honor of Dr. Mary E. Arthur
"Dr. Mary Arthur diligently supported my numerous research efforts during my residency despite her extremely busy schedule as a program director. I am forever grateful to her."

Jin Soo Lee, MD, in honor of Dr. Catherine Chen
"In appreciation for the first-time career grant to Catherine Chen."

Karsten Bartels, MD, MBA, PhD, in honor of Dr. Daniel Clauw
"Dan is the embodiment of an effective, generous, and kind mentor advancing academic anesthesiology far beyond his own institution (e.g., Wolverine supporting Cornhusker). Thank you, Dan!"

Dawn Dillman, MD, in honor of Dr. Judith Dillman

Joseph M. Neal, MD, in honor of Dr. James C. Eisenach

Ruthi Landau Cahana, MD, in honor of Drs. Charles Emala and Margaret Wood
"In honor of Dr. Wood, Dr. Emala, and all the outstanding mentors."

Anna Woodbury, MD, in honor of Dr. Paul S. Garcia
"Paul has shaped my research career. He guided me through a clinical research scientist track, encouraged me to apply for a FAER RFG, laid out a path for me to follow in federal grant applications, and continues to help my career development to this day."

Kane O. Pryor, BS, MB, in honor of Dr. Hugh Hemmings
"As chair, Hugh Hemmings has steadfastly supported the development of a clinician-scientist pipeline that has tremendously benefitted from FAER's grant programs. Would not be possible without chair support."

David M. Polaner, MD, in honor of Dr. Thomas F. Hornbein

William A. Beck, MD, FASA, in honor of Dr. E.F. Klein

Allison J. Lee, MD, MBBS, MS, in honor of Dr. Ruthi Landau
"I will forever be grateful for the wise mentorship and invaluable sponsorship from my research mentor, Dr. Ruth Landau."

Anna Woodbury, MD, in honor of Dr. Anne Marie McKenzie-Brown
"Dr. McKenzie-Brown always viewed me as a "super-star" from residency, and supported me in all of my endeavors with open-mindedness to my research endeavors and my acupuncture certification. She adopted ideas that I introduced and helped me succeed."

Christin L. Engelhardt in honor of Drs. Douglas G. Merrill and Eugene R. Viscusi

Pamela P. Palmer, MD, PhD, in honor of Dr. Ronald Miller
"Starting out my anesthesia residency under the tutelage of Dr. Ron Miller was an honor that I continue to reflect on over the past 30 years. He is a true giant in our specialty."

Aimee Southworth in honor of Dr. May C. Pian-Smith

Francis M. James III, MD, FACA, in honor of Dr. Douglas Ririe

Scott D. Kelley, MD, in honor of Dr. Daniel I. Sessler

Melanie J. Alo, MD, in honor of Dr. Stephen A. Stayer

Rose Campise Luther, MD, in honor of Dr. Astrid Stucke
"Astrid Stucke is the most dedicated researcher I know."

Christina D. Diaz, MD, FAAP, FASA, in honor of Dr. Astrid Stucke
"Donated on behalf of Dr. Astrid Stucke - an excellent woman clinician, scientist, partner, and leader! Honored to know you."

Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW), in honor of Drs. Eckehard Stuth, Astrid Stucke, and Edward Zuperku

Anna Woodbury, MD, in honor of Dr. Yung Fong Sung

Lois Wetmore, DVM, MS, in honor of Dr. George Topulos
"Thank you to Dr. George Topulos who mentored me through my vet anes. boards and doctoral program at HSPH."

Esther Lee, MD, in honor of the UCSF Anesthesia Class of 2018.

William A. Roberts, MD, PhD, in honor of Dr. Denham Ward

Raymond A. Zollo, MD, in honor of Dr. Denham Ward

Richard A. Berkowitz, MD, in honor of Dr. Guy Weinberg
"For Dr. Guy Weinberg as he retires from a wonderful, productive, and successful career in anesthesiology. A great mentor, teacher, and friend. His influence shaped the investigative and inquisitive minds of many."

Paloma Toledo, MD, MPH, in honor of Dr. Cynthia Wong
"Cindy has been the mentor who has never stopped giving. She encouraged my passion for academic anesthesiology as a trainee. She helped start my research career and to this day still advises me. She is an invaluable friend and mentor!"

Scott Kercheville, MD, FAWM, FASA, in honor of Dr. Crystal Wright
"Thanks for your service to the Texas component and looking forward to sharing you with ASA as whole!"

Markus G. Klass, MD, PhD, in honor of Dr. James R. Zaidan

Astrid G. Stucke, MD, in honor of Dr. Edward Zuperku
"I would like to highlight the contribution of Dr. Edward Zuperku to the field of respiratory research. Dr. Zuperku obtained his PhD in Biomedical Engineering from Marquette University. He was one of the earliest hires by Dr. John Kampine."

If you would like to make a donation to Honor Your Mentor, please click here.

If you made a donation during the Honor Your Mentor Campaign and do not see your tribute listed above, please contact [email protected].

Curated by: BH

Last updated by: BH

Date of last update: October 11, 2023