Named for founding physician and former Board President of the Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research (FAER), the Alan D. Sessler, MD, Society recognizes donors who have achieved $10,000 or more in lifetime giving to FAER. Society members have shown exceptional commitment to the future of anesthesiology through their support for FAER’s mission to develop the next generation of physician-investigators.
On behalf of the numerous physician-investigators and patients who have and will continue to benefit from FAER’s work, we express our profound gratitude to the donors listed below.
Steven J. Barker, PhD, MD, FACA
Ronald L. Katz Family Foundation
Carl C. Hug, Jr., MD, PhD, FACA, FANZCA, FRCA, dec.
Daniel I. Sessler, MD, and Ximena Sessler, MD
James R. Zaidan, MD, MBA
Joseph F. Antognini, MD, FASA
Thomas J. Ebert, MD, PhD
James C. Eisenach, MD
Pamela Flood, MD, MA, and Steven Shafer, MD
Simon Gelman, MD, PhD, FANZCA
Joy L. Hawkins, MD, FASA, and Randall M. Clark, MD, FASA
Cynthia A. Lien, MD, and Dan M. Brinzac
Sanford M. Miller, MD, FACA, and Marcia Miller
May C. Pian-Smith, MD, MS
Bruce M. Shepard, MD, dec.
Paloma Toledo, MD, MPH
Robert W. Vaughan, MD, FACA, and M. Sue Vaughan, PhD, RN
Denham S. Ward, MD, PhD
Paul F. White, MD, PhD, FANZCA
Cynthia A. Wong, MD
Warren Zapol, MD, dec. and Nikki Zapol, JD
Joseph P. Annis, MD, FACA, and Peggy Annis
Keith H. Baker, MD, PhD, and Pam Baker
David L. Brown, MD
Bruce F. Cullen, MD, FACA
Deborah J. Culley, MD
Charles Emala, MD, MS, and Mary Emala
Kathleen Connolly Empsucha
Alex S. Evers, MD, and Carol Evers
D. David Glass, MD, FACA, FANZCA, and Alice Glass
Orin F. Guidry, MD, FACA, and Nancy Guidry
Steven C. Hall, MD, and Patricia Hall
Judith Hellman, MD
Roger A. Johns, MD, PhD, MHS
Mervyn Maze, MB, ChB, and Janet Wyner-Maze
Kathryn E. McGoldrick, MD, FCAI (Hon)
Edward D. Miller, MD, FACA
Ronald D. Miller, MD, FACA, FCAI, FRCA
Philip G. Morgan, MD, and Margaret M. Sedensky, MD
Dolores B. Njoku, MD
Charles W. Otto, MD, and Carol Otto
Srikanth S. Patankar, MD
Madhukanta J. Patel, MD, and Jagendra Patel
Y.S. Prakash, MD, PhD, and Christina M. Pabelick, MD
Warren S. Sandberg, MD, PhD, and Elisabeth Hollister Sandberg, PhD
Alan D. Sessler, MD, FACA, FCAI, FRCA, dec.
Eugene P. Sinclair, MD, FACA, and Mrs. Sinclair
Theodore H. Stanley, MD, FACA, dec.
Michael M. Todd, MD
Shu-Ming Wang, MD
Mark A. Warner, MD, and Mary Ellen Warner, MD
Margaret Wood, MB, CHB, FACA, FRCA, and Alastair Wood, MD
Corrie Anderson, MD, and Virginia E. Williams II
Alberto J. de Armendi, MD, PhD, MBA
Donald Arnold, MD, FASA, and Tamara Ehlert, MD
Douglas R. Bacon, MD, MA, FASA
Karsten Bartels, MD, PhD, MBA
Verna L. Baughman, MD
Karl E. Becker, MD, MBA, FACA and Gail Becker
Honorio T. Benzon, MD, FACA
Arnold J. Berry, MD, MPH, and Heleen Berry
Azmy Boutros, MD, FRCA, FRCPC, dec. and Ida W. Boutros
Stephen M. Breneman, MD, PhD
A. Michael Broennle, MD, FACA
Michael Warren Champeau, MD, FASA
Frederick W. Cheney, MD, FACA
David H. Chestnut, MD, and Janet Chestnut
Daniel J. Cole, MD, FASA
Joanne M. Conroy, MD
Robert A. Cordes, MD, FACA, and Jeanne Connolly Cordes, CRNA
Donn M. Dennis, MD
Mark Dershwitz, MD, PhD, and Renee Dershwitz, MD
Richard P. Dutton, MD, MBA, FASA, and Greykell Dutton
Roderic G. Eckenhoff, MD, and Maryellen F Eckenhoff, PhD
Steven Brian Edelstein, MD, FASA
Jane C.K. Fitch, MD, FASA
Lee A. Fleisher, MD
Stuart A. Forman, MD, PhD
James D. Grant, MD, MBA, FASA
Andrew A. Greenberg, MD
Alan W. Grogono, MD, FRCA
Dhanesh K. Gupta, MD, MBA
Alexander A. Hannenberg, MD, and Carol Hannenberg, MD
Hugh C. Hemmings Jr., MD, PhD
Thomas Henthorn, MD
Bradley J. Hindman, MD
George M. Hoffman, MD
Harriet W. Hopf, MD, FASA
Francis M. James, III, MD, FACA
Joanne Jene, MD, FACA
Joshua Johnston, MD, and Elizabeth Johnston
Patricia A. Kapur, MD
Max B. Kelz, MD, PhD, and Rachel Kelz, MD
Sean K. Kennedy, MD
Jeffrey R. Kirsch, MD, FASA
Markus G. Klass, MD, PhD
Tom C. Krejcie, MD
Catherine M. Kuhn, MD
Charles D. Kurth, MD
James J. Lamberg, DO, FASA
Mark J. Lema, MD, PhD, FASA
Mirjana Lovrincevic, MD, and Igor Lovrincevic, MD
Philip D. Lumb, MBBS, FACA, and Christine Lumb
Anne M. Lynn, MD
George Mashour, MD, PhD
Linda J. Mason, MD, FASA
James G. Mathis, MD
Jane Matjasko, MD, FACA, dec.
Thomas M. McLoughlin, MD, FASA, and Rebecca McLoughlin
Shirley Graves Modell, MD, FACA, DSc (Hon) and Jerome H. Modell, MD, FACA, dec.
J. Danny Muehlschlegel, MD, MSc, FASA
John Neeld, Jr., MD, FACA, dec. and Gail Neeld
Mark C. Norris, MD
Rita L. Orkin
Pamela P. Palmer, MD, PhD
Ronald G. Pearl, MD, PhD, FASA
Mary Dale Peterson, MD, MHA, FACHE, FASA
Kai Rehder, MD
Michael F. Roizen, MD
Duane K. Rorie, MD, PhD, dec.
Myer H. Rosenthal, MD, FACA
Franklin L. Scamman, MD
Armin Schubert, MD, MBA
Chetan R. Shukla, MD
Richard M. Smiley, MD, PhD
Donald R. Stanski, MD, FRCPC
M. Christine Stock, MD, and Stuart R. Stock, PhD
Astrid G. Stucke, MD
Eckehard A. Stuth, MD, and Janellen Becker-Stuth
Jacob E. Sunshine, MD, MS
Joseph W. Szokol, MD, FASA
Stephen J. Thomas, MD, FACA, FANZCA, FRCA, and Ellen Thomas
Kevin K. Tremper, MD, PhD, FACA
John Ulatowski, MD, PhD, MBA
Charles J. Vacanti, MD, FACA
Joyce A. Wahr, MD, and Dennis Wahr, MD
David O. Warner, MD, and Julie Warner
Jeanine P. Wiener-Kronish, MD
John P. Williams, MD, BS
Karen S. Williams, MD
Glenn E. Woodworth, MD
Curated by: AB
Last updated by: AB
Date of last update: February 19, 2025