Tribute Gifts - in Honor and Memory

FAER’s mission becomes reality through generous financial support of our grants and programs. Private support of FAER funds discoveries and innovations that change the way we practice medicine and care for our patients.

Please join FAER in thanking the donors recorded on this page, as well as celebrate those they’ve made their gifts in recognition of. The donations below were made in 2024.

Tribute Gifts - In Memory

Meredith A. Albrecht, MD, PhD, in memory of Ronald F. Albrecht, MD
“A proud supporter of Anesthesiology research and FAER for many years.”

Julia A. Gálvez Delgado, MD, MBI, FASA, in memory of Paul G. Barash, MD, FACA

John R. Reisinger, MD, FACA, and Kathryn Reisinger in memory of Joseph C. Belshe, MD

Charles H. Brown, MD, in memory of Sean M. Berenholtz, MD
“Sean was a shining example of a dedicated and caring physician scientist.”

Ida W. Boutros in memory of Azmy Boutros, MD, FRCA, FRCPC

Lliam Brannigan, MD, FRCA, in memory of RK Brannigan and L. Bocchinno

Corrie Anderson, MD, and Virginia E. Williams II in memory of Ursula Class, MD
“In memory of a tremendously skilled physician and a wonderful friend.”

Benjamin H. Cloyd, MD, MIPH, in memory of Marilyn and David Cloyd, MD

Tricia E. Brentjens, MD, in memory of Saundra E. Curry, MD

Leena Mathew, MD, in memory of Saundra E. Curry, MD

Amy E. Mesa-Jonassen, MD, in memory of Saundra E. Curry, MD

Brian Joseph Sajorda, MD, in memory of Saundra E. Curry, MD

Robert L. Kong, MD, in memory of Saundra E. Curry, MD, and Desmond A. Jordan, MD

Keith E. Littlewood, MD, FASA, in memory of Cosmo A. DiFazio, MD
“Beloved University of Virginia faculty member for nearly forty years and accomplished national leader in the specialty. My memory of "Cos" will always be that of his humble kindness.”

Thomas N. Pajewski, MD, PhD, in memory of Cosmo A. DiFazio, MD, and Robert M. Epstein, MD

Kathleen Connolly Empsucha in memory of Burdett S. Dunbar, MD, FACA

Lynn Spitler, MD, in memory of Edmond (Ted) Eger, II, MD

Ruth Landau, MD, in memory of Mike Finster, MD, FACA

Thomas Floyd, MD, in memory of Frederick Mitchell Floyd

Brian M. Ilfeld, MD, MS, in memory of Frederic W. Ilfeld, Sr., MD

Brandon R. Esenther, MD, in memory of Desmond A. Jordan, MD

Jocelyn H. Kerpelman, MD, in memory of Desmond A. Jordan, MD

Anand Kumar, MD, in memory of Desmond A. Jordan, MD

Robert Kazim, MD, in memory of Desmond A. Jordan, MD, and Saundra E. Curry, MD

Marie-Louise Meng, MD, in memory of Desmond A. Jordan, MD

Eckehard A. Stuth, MD, and Janellen Becker-Stuth in memory of John P. Kampine, MD, PhD

Christine Zainer, MD, in memory of John P. Kampine, MD, PhD

Lauren K. Dunn, MD, PhD, in memory of Charles Kingsley

Roger A. Johns, MD, MHS, PhD, in memory of Lisa A. Kolp, MD

Ruth Landau, MD, in memory of Chava Landau
“In honor of my mother, who inspired me to think right and always encouraged me to follow my dreams (and dream big).”

Paul A. Leonard, MD, in memory of Paul F. Leonard

Ariana M. Nelson, MD, in memory of Thomas M.
“His questions the night before neurosurgery related only to the anesthetic, demonstrating the importance of comfort and peace we bring our patients.”

Frank Moya Continuing Education Programs in memory of Frank Moya, MD

Orin F. Guidry, MD, FACA, and Nancy Guidry in memory of John B. Neeld Jr., MD, FACA and Robert J. Marino, MD

Rita L. Orkin in memory of Louis R. Orkin, MD, FACA

Warren S. Sandberg, MD, PhD, and Elisabeth Hollister Sandberg, PhD, in memory of Bradley E. Smith, MD

Seshadri Mudumbai, MD, in memory of Mudumbai Srinivaschary
“In memory of my father, who believed in the power of scholarships and benefited from them himself over the years.”

Marek A. Mirski, MD, PhD, in memory of Tommy Toung, MD

Anne D. Cherry, MD, in memory of David S. Warner, MD

Rita Agarwal, MD, FASA, in memory of Lisa Wise-Faberowski, MD
“For one of the most brilliant, caring clinician scientists I have ever known. Gone too soon.”

James Fehr, MD, in memory of Lisa Wise-Faberowski, MD

Karsten Bartels, MD, PhD, MBA, in memory of Matthew A.C. Zapf, MD

Rajnish Gupta, MD, in memory of Matthew A.C. Zapf, MD

Max B. Kelz, MD, PhD, and Rachel Kelz, MD, in memory of Matthew A.C. Zapf, MD
“In honor of Matthew’s spirit of discovery. Everyone on Team FAER is saddened by his loss.”

Judith Hellman, MD, in memory of Warren M. Zapol, MD

Keith Miller, DPhil, PhD, in memory of Warren M. Zapol, MD

David M. Polaner, MD, in memory of Warren M. Zapol, MD

John Ulatowski, MD, PhD, MBA, in memory of Warren M. Zapol, MD

George A. Mashour, MD, PhD, in memory of Warren M. Zapol, MD
“Dr. Zapol, although you are no longer with us, your influence endures. Thank you for being the exemplar of a brilliant physician-scientist. Even now, you set the mark for me.”

Tribute Gifts - In Honor

Cedar J. Fowler, MD, PhD, MPH, in honor of Jessica R. Ansari, MD

Michael C. Lewis, MD, FASA, in honor of Jeffrey L. Apfelbaum, MD
“Thank you for defining what a mentor should be.”

Guohua Li, MB, in honor of Virginia Apgar, MD, MPH

Olivia Mallari, MD, in honor of Virginia Apgar, MD, MPH

Matthew Kiok, MD, MPH, in honor of Lorenzo Berra, MD
“Thank you for your mentorship and guidance in 2015. Although I did not enter anesthesia, my medical career has been enriched incalculably by my time with you and your team at MGH, thanks to FAER.”

James Rhee, MD, PhD, in honor of Wei Chao, MD, PhD, FAHA
“Thank you again for all the support and mentorship that you provided me as a resident and junior staff. You are an inspiration and lifelong role model.”

Anonymous in honor of Catherine L. Chen, MD, MPH
“Dr. Catherine Lee Chen and her tireless work on behalf of her patients and to advance the field of anesthesiology, and in appreciation of Dr. Chen’s actions and sacrifice that, on more than one occasion, saved the life of our mother, who, thanks to Dr. Chen, remains forever Young.”

Martin S. Bogetz, MD, in honor of Catherine L. Chen, MD, MPH, and Greg A. Chinn, MD, PhD

Joyce Lee in honor of Catherine L. Chen, MD, MPH, and Young Geun Lee

Karsten Bartels, MD, PhD, MBA, in honor of Steven P. Cohen, MD

John Chalabi, MD, in honor of DAPM Scientist Physicians

Dawn Dillman, MD, in honor of Judith B. Dillman, MD
“Dedicated to the former faculty member who through her joy in the profession inspired me to become an anesthesiologist.”

Travis R. Bales, MD, in honor of Thomas J. Ebert, MD, PhD

Richard J. Berens, MD, in honor of Thomas J. Ebert, MD, PhD

Brent T. Boettcher, DO, FASA, and Melissa Boettcher in honor of Thomas J. Ebert, MD, PhD

Michael L. Bottcher, MD, FASA, in honor of Thomas J. Ebert, MD, PhD

Craig E. Cummings, MD, in honor of Thomas J. Ebert, MD, PhD

Karin E. Drescher, MD, in honor of Thomas J. Ebert, MD, PhD
“Dr. Ebert’s commitment to research in physiology has been unparalleled. His methodical and calm approach to answering scientific questions and his commitment to mentoring other faculty and learners was exemplary. I admire him greatly and I was proud to be his colleague for so many years.”

Julie K. Freed, MD, PhD, FAHA, FCVS, in honor of Thomas J. Ebert, MD, PhD

Laura S. Gonzalez, MD, in honor of Thomas J. Ebert, MD, PhD

Thomas Gulvezan, MD, in honor of Thomas J. Ebert, MD, PhD

George M. Hoffman, MD, in honor of Thomas J. Ebert, MD, PhD

Kevin S. Jenner in honor of Thomas J. Ebert, MD, PhD
“Dr. Ebert is a phenomenal educator and an outstanding clinician. His research has driven improvements in care for countless patients and his guidance has shaped the professional careers of many anesthesiologists and medical students. Thank you for your service and for your friendship, Dr. Ebert!”

Steven R. Kapeles, MD, MSc, in honor of Thomas J. Ebert, MD, PhD

Vikram Khatri, MD, FASA, in honor of Thomas J. Ebert, MD, PhD

MCW 2024 Academic Giving Competition Donors in honor of Thomas J. Ebert, MD, PhD
“Not only has Dr. Ebert contributed to our understanding of IV and volatile anesthetics through his research endeavors, but he also led the residency program for a decade, during which time he recruited several hundred residents into training and helped shape their education. He has been a strong advocate for our military veterans and a leader at the Zablocki Veteran's hospital for more than a decade.”

Matthias L. Riess, MD, PhD, FASA, in honor of Thomas J. Ebert, MD, PhD
“As residency Program Director, Vice Chair of Education, and VA Division Chief, Tom Ebert was highly elementary in my education as an academic physician-scientist at MCW and the Clement J. Zablocki VAMC. Thank you, Tom!”

Martin Samborski, MD, in honor of Thomas J. Ebert, MD, PhD

Kevin Tarrant, MD, FASA, in honor of Thomas J. Ebert, MD, PhD

Justin N. Tawil, MD, FASA, in honor of Thomas J. Ebert, MD, PhD
“Dr. Tom Ebert has made an incredible impact on the current and future practice of anesthesiology with his research and charitable efforts.”

Tami L. Ulatowski, MD, in honor of Thomas J. Ebert, MD, PhD
“Great contributor to our Profession and wonderful educator.”

Ronggang Wang, MD, in honor of Thomas J. Ebert, MD, PhD
“Thank you Dr. Ebert for your contribution to anesthesia research.”

Chelsea A. Willie, MD, in honor of Thomas J. Ebert, MD, PhD

M. Tracy Zundel, MD, in honor of Thomas J. Ebert, MD, PhD

Rebecca A. Aslakson, MD, PhD, FAAHPM, FCCM, in honor of James C. Eisenach, MD
“In honor of Jim and his recognition as the 2024 Friend of FAER honoree”

David H. Chestnut, MD, and Janet Chestnut in honor of James C. Eisenach, MD

Joseph M. Neal, MD, in honor of James C. Eisenach, MD

Mo Esfahanian, MD, in honor of Natalie Esfahanian, my wife

Michael A. Gropper, MD, PhD, in honor of The Faculty, Residents, and Fellows at UCSF

Morgen Ahearn in honor of Faculty, Trainees, and Alumni of UCSF Anesthesia and Perioperative Care

Lorraine Lubin, MD, in honor of Matthew A. Fischer, MD

Jessica R. Ansari, MD, in honor of Pamela Flood, MD, MA, and Steven L. Shafer, MD, FASA

Emily Stockert, MD, MBA, in honor of Pamela Flood, MD, MA, and Jessica R. Ansari, MD

Joan Chouili, MSN, CRNA, in honor of Allan Gottschalk, MD, PhD
“For teaching me neuro anesthesia and being the best mentor.”

Allan Gottschalk, MD, PhD, in honor of Carl Gottschalk, MD

Joshua D. Goldner, MD, in honor of Salim M. Hayek, MD, PhD

Robert B. Schonberger, MD, in honor of Roberta L. Hines, MD, FANZCA
“Thank you for your support and friendship.”

Anonymous in honor of Thomas F. Hornbein, MD

Amanda Powers, MD, in honor of May S. Hua, MD, MSc
“May Hua is so talented!”

Christina S. Boncyk, MD, in honor of Christopher G. Hughes, MD, MS

Y.S. Prakash, MD, PhD, and Christina M. Pabelick, MD, in honor of Max B. Kelz, MD, PhD

Albert H. Tsai, MD, in honor of Max B. Kelz, MD, PhD

Geir Ivar Elgjo, MD, PhD, in honor of George Kramer

Han Yuan, PhD, in honor of Shuying Lin

Loren E. Smith, MD, PhD, in honor of MacRae F. Linton, MD

Thomas R. Murray, MD, PhD, in honor of Bryan E. Marshall, MD

Elliot Krane, MD, in honor of Mervyn Maze, MB, ChB, FRCP, FRCA, FMedSchi

Timothy W. Martin, MD, FASA, in honor of John J. McAuliffe III, MD, MBA

McDermott Family in honor of Peter L. McDermott, MD, PhD, FACA
“As a Founding Member of FAER”

Dania C. Chastain, PhD, in honor of The Mentors who paved our way

Sapna R. Kudchadkar, MD, PhD, FCCM, in honor of All my incredible mentors and colleagues at Johns Hopkins
“Who make it a vibrant environment for research.”

Anna Woodbury, MD, MSCR, C.Ac, in honor of My many wonderful Mentors.

Christin L. Engelhardt in honor of Douglas G. Merrill, MD, MBA, FASA, and Eugene R. Viscusi, MD

Steven M. Frank, MD, in memory of William T. Merritt, MD, MBA, FASA
“For all the medical students who make up the next generation of physicians.”

Richard Doherty in honor of Marcel Mesclier

Jeff T. Mueller, MD, FASA, in honor of Adam J. Milam, MD, PhD, FASE

Pamela Flood, MD, MA, and Steven L. Shafer, MD, FASA, in honor of Ronald G. Pearl, MD, PhD, FASA
“Ron Pearl is an inspiration to a generation of anesthesiologists.”

Abigail K. Howard, MD, in honor of Dr. Alex Perez

Meera Gangadharan, MD, FAAP, FASA, in honor Paul Potnuru, MD

Joel G. Greenspan, MD, in honor of Lawrence J. Saidman, MD

Douglas Hester, MD, in honor of Edward R. Sherwood, MD, PhD

Harriet W. Hopf, MD, FASA, in honor of Sasha K. Shillcutt, MD, MS, FASE
“A remarkable role model who continuously inspires and encourages the next generation of physician investigators, educators, and entrepreneurs.”

Roderic G. Eckenhoff, MD, and Maryellen F. Eckenhoff, PhD, in memory of Jeffrey Silverstein, MD

Meghan B. Lane-Fall, MD, MSHP, FCCM, in honor of David S. Smith, MD, PhD

Brad Bernstein, MD, in honor of Richard C. Stern, MD

Larry Green in honor of Vivianne Tawfik, MD, PhD, and Eric R. Gross, MD, PhD, FASA

Brian E. Harrington, MD, in honor of Gale E. Thompson, MD, FACA

Albert J. Varon, MD, MHPE, FCCM, FASA, in honor of Paloma Toledo, MD

Maya S. Suresh, MD, in honor of The University of Texas Health Science Center Houston

Markus G. Klass, MD, PhD, in honor of James R. Zaidan, MD, MBA

Curated by: BH

Last updated by: BH

Date of last update: December 9, 2024