All donations will help to achieve a long-term goal of establishing a new, endowed MRTG for clinical investigators, named the Drs. Ximena and Daniel Sessler Mentored Research Training Grant. Each individual donor will be acknowledged in the overall list of FAER donors, as well as the list of donors contributing to this new fund.
To donate to this matching gift challenge, select Step Up for FAER under the Donate Now section of FAER's online donation page.
Please note that FAER has transitioned to a new Donate page, hosted by Bloomerang! Click the button below to securely make your Step Up for FAER donation.
Like any specialty, research is fundamental to the future of anesthesiology. Research that often might not be possible without ensuring that early career investigators have the support and guidance they need to build their skills and preliminary data for subsequent grant applications. This sentiment sits at the very core of FAER's efforts to develop the next generation of physician-scientists in anesthesiology.
Drs. Ximena and Daniel Sessler, inspired by the importance of FAER's mission, have issued a $100,000 matching gift challenge to FAER, titled Step Up for FAER. Their hope is that by stepping up themselves with such a generous gift, others will in turn be inspired to step up their support to FAER as well. Your contribution will be matched 1:1 up to $100,000, and will help establish a named endowed Mentored Research Training Grant (MRTG) focused on clinical investigators.
“Anesthesiology's rising stature is based on two foundational principles: enhancing the scientific base that underpins the care of our patients and educating the future generations of practitioners who will continue to advance the science and practice of our discipline. At the heart of these advances lies FAER which is devoted to these missions. All of us have been touched directly by FAER, or indirectly through research and career development it has provided for so many aspiring academic anesthesiologists.” Daniel I. Sessler, MD
Thank you for stepping up and donating to help meet this matching gift challenge! To follow is a list of donors to this matching gift challenge.
Hassan Aboumerhi, MD
Aalok V. Agarwala, MD, MBA, FASA
Edward Alatorre
Meredith A. Albrecht, MD, PhD
Brenton S. Alexander, MD
Alya Ali, MD
Paul D. Allen, MD, PhD, and Merilyn Allen
Wei-Lin Allen, MD
Seth Aly, MD
Megan Graybill Anders, MD
Corrie Anderson, MD, and Virginia E. Williams II
Joseph F. Antognini, MD, FASA
Mark J. Arcario, MD, PhD
Donald E. Arnold, MD, FASA, and Tamara Ehlert, MD
Amanda E. Arnzen, MD
Carlos Artime, MD
William Aultman, MD
Rafi Avitsian, MD, FASA
Michael J. Avram, PhD, and Mary Anne Avram
Syeda Zahra B. Gardezi, MD, MB, BS
Patricia R. Bachiller, MD
Kristy Z. Baker, MD
Mercedes Baltazar
Alicia B. Barclay, MD
Karsten Bartels, MD, PhD, MBA
Maria Bauer, MD
Victor C. Baum, MD
Karl E. Becker, MD, MBA, FACA, and Gail G. Becker
Adriano Bellotti, MD
Honorio T. Benzon, MD, FACA, FASA
Richard J. Berens, MD
Brad Bernstein, MD
Frederic T. Billings IV, MD, MSc
James M. Blum, MD
Martin S. Bogetz, MD
Robin Boland
M.G. Boltz, MD
Christina S. Boncyk, MD
Michael L. Bottcher, MD, FASA
Charles D. Boucek, FACA, MD, FASA
Jason Brainard, MD
Jeffry B. Brand, MD, FACA
Robert W. Brandt, MD
Tricia Eisenstein Brentjens, MD
Aleena Bubb, MD
Brenda A. Bucklin, MD, FASA
DeMarcus Burke
Ruth E. Burstrom, MD, and Niels N. Chapman, MD
Mya Cahana
Matthew W. Caldwell, MD
Tekuila R. Carter, MD
Davide Cattano, MD, PhD, FASA
Jauhleene Chamu, MD
David M. Chelnick, BS
Catherine L. Chen, MD, MPH, and Justin Chen
Craig Chen, MD
Frederick W. Cheney, MD, FACA
Jianguo Cheng, MD, PhD
Anne D. Cherry, MD
David J. Clark, MD, PhD, and Rae Lee Clark
Douglas Alastair Colquhoun, MPH, MSc, MBChB
Lois A. Connolly, MD, FACHE, FASA
Paul H. Cooke, MD
Sarah Cortez
Joseph F. Cotten, MD
Stephen C. Cotton, MD
Gregory Crosby, MD, MS
C. Michael Crowder, MD, PhD
Deborah J. Culley, MD
Sara Curtis, MBA, CAE, SPHR
Robert A. Daniel, MD
Jeanine D'Armiento, MD, PhD
Marcelo Gama de Abreu, MD
Marilyn K. Dearmond, MD
Magdelaine Deeby, MD
David Delzell, MD
Mark Dershwitz, MD, PhD, and Renee Dershwitz, MD
Lena E. Dohlman-Gerhart, MD, MPH
Joseph J. Dominguez, MD, FASA
Karen B. Domino, MD, MPH, and Gene L. Brenowitz, MD
Joseph W. Dooley, MD
Michelle A. Douglass, MD
Elizabeth T. Drum, MD, FASA
Michael Duan, MD
Andra Duncan, MD, MS, FASE
James C. Eisenach, MD, and Patricia Eisenach
Geir Ivar Elgjo, MD, PhD
Brett J. Elmore, MD
Holger K. Eltzschig, MD, PhD
Christopher Fadumiye, MD, FASA
Brenda Fahy, MD
Nauder Faraday, MD
Patrick Filip, MD
James H. Fitzpatrick, MD
Peter R. Fletcher, MD
Pamela Flood, MD, MA, and Steven L. Shafer, MD, FASA
Jacob Flores
Joseph F. Foss, MD, BS, FASA
Jan Fraessdorf, MD, PhD
Elizabeth A. Frost, MD
Maribel P. Galiano-Goll, MD
Paul D. Gallo, MD
Sweeta D. Gandhi, MD
Meera Gangadharan, MD, FAAP, FASA
Elena Garrido, MD, PhD
John F. Geiser, MD
Renuka M. George, MD, FASA
Steven J. Gerschultz, MD
Hayley Gershengorn
James S. Gessner, MD, and Mrs. James Gessner
Mariya A. Geube, MD
Laurent G. Glance, MD
Joshua D. Goldner, MD
Sylvia Gomez, SHRM-CP
Martin V. Grady, MD
Timothy P. Graham, MD
Andrew A. Greenberg, MD
Michael A. Gropper, MD, PhD
Thomas Gulvezan, MD
Ramakrishna Gumidyala, MD
Akshatha Gururaja Rao, MD, MBBS
Sara Guzman-Reyes, MD, FASA
Carin A. Hagberg, MD, FASA
Harriet A. Hamer, MD, FASA
Alexander A. Hannenberg, MD, and Carol Hannenberg, MD
Jennifer M. Hargrave, DO, FASA
Bram Harris
Darren Harris
Ronald L. Harter, MD, FASA, and Kathy Harter
Manal I. Hassan, MD, PhD
Daniel E. Headrick, MD
Stephen O. Heard, MD
James Hecker, MD, PhD
Hugh C. Hemmings Jr., MD, PhD, FRCA
Olivia Henry
Robert M. Herenstein, MD, PC
George M. Hoffman, MD
Harriet W. Hopf, MD, FASA
Eric M. Humphreys, MD
Caleb H. Ing, MD
Oliver Isik, MD
Jeffrey S. Jacobs, MD, MBA, FASA
Francis M. James III, MD, FACA
Tatiana Jamroz, MD
Alyssa Janousek, MD
Ryan Jense, MD
Nerlyne Jimenez, MD
Zhaosheng Jin, MD
Lise Jinno
Roger A. Johns, MD, MHS, PhD
Brooks Johnson, MD
Stephanie B. Jones, MD, FASA
Maurice F. Joyce, MD, MEd, FASA
Rishi Kadakia, MD
Philip L. Kalarickal, MD, MPH
Irfan S. Kathiriya, MD
Marta Kelava, MD
Scott D. Kelley, MD, FASA
Richard Kelly, MD, FASA
Max B. Kelz, MD, PhD, and Rachel Kelz, MD
Scott Kercheville, MD, FAWM, FASA
Maureen Keshock, MD, MPH, FASA
Al-Amin Khalil, MD
Samia N. Khalil, MD, FACA
Sandeep Khanna, MD, FASA
Vikram Khatri, MD, FASA
Azin Kheirandish, MD
Jin Young Kim, MD
James D. Kindscher, MD, FASA
Michael P. Kinsky, MD
Matthew Kiok, MD, MPH
Amy Kjaer
Natalie Jane Koons, DO
Daryl J. Kor, MD
Vesela Kovacheva, MD, PhD
Elliot Krane, MD
Tom C. Krejcie, MD
Matthew J. Kremke, MBA
Mirko Krolo, MD
Andrea M. Kurz, MD
Arthur Lam, MD, RCPSC, FRCPC
James J. Lamberg, DO, FASA, CPPS
Ruth Landau, MD
Mary Landrigan-Ossar, MD, PhD, FAAP
Meghan B. Lane-Fall, MD, MSHP, FCCM
Merlin D. Larson, MD
Nassim Lashkari, MD
James H. Lee, MD
Jin Soo Lee, MD, PhD
Joyce Lee
Jenna Leng
Michelle Leung, MD
Michael C. Lewis, MD, FASA
Adam D. Lichtman, MD, FASA
Grace Lim, MD, MSc
Steven S. Lipman, MD, FASA
Steven J. Lisco, MD, FCCM, FCCP
Susan R. Lisman, MD
Renyu Liu, MD, PhD
Kelley A. Logan
David E. Longnecker, MD, and Charlene S. Longnecker
Mirjana Lovrincevic, MD, and Igor Lovrincevic, MD
Lorraine Lubin, MD
Briana Lui, MD
Nora Lyang
David P. Maguire, MD
Rajendra H. Majithia, MD
Elizabeth B. Malinzak, MD, FASA
Mariel Manlapaz, MD
Dorothea A. Markakis, MD
James D. Marks, MD, PhD
David P. Martin, MD, PhD, FASA, and Laura Martin
Matthew Masur, MD
Sadis Matalon, PhD, and Lee Ann Riesenberg, PhD, RN
Trisha A. McGinnis, DO
Kathryn E. McGoldrick, MD, FCAI (Hon)
Eddrice M. McMullan, MD
Lee D. Meeder, MD
Neel D. Mehta, MD
Andrew R. Milewski, MD
Keith Miller, DPhil, PhD
Andrea N. Miltiades, MD
Stacy Miltiades
Aaron M. Mittel, MD
Basanta Mohapatra, MD
Holly Ann Muir, MD
Peter Nagele, MD, MSc
Jackie Narula, QA
Amanda J. Naylor, MD, MPH
Joseph M. Neal, MD
Ariana M. Nelson, MD
Mark D. Neuman, MD, MSc
Fani Nhuch, MD, FRCPC
Greta Niemela, MD
Dolores B. Njoku, MD
Mark C. Norris, MD
Vikas N. O'Reilly-Shah, MD, PhD, FASA
Fredrick K. Orkin, MD, MBA
Barbara Orlando, MD, PhD, FASA
Steven L. Outly, MD
Mansukhlal G. Padalia, MD, FACA
Pamela P. Palmer, MD, PhD
Susan K. Palmer, MD
Pratik Pandharipande, MD
Ameeka Pannu, MD
Paul Pantapalangkoor, MD
Kari Pantol
Jerome Parness, MD, PhD
Robert A. Pearce, MD, PhD
Silvia E. Perez Protto, MD
Lee S. Perrin, MD
Mary Dale Peterson, MD, MSHCA, FACHE, FASA
Trevor Peterson
May C. Pian-Smith, MD, MS
Christopher James Plambeck, MD
David M. Polaner, MD
Paul Pomerantz, FACHE
Paul Potnuru, MD
Kane O. Pryor, MD
Robert V. Purtock, MD, PhD
James P. Rathmell, MD, and Barbara A. Rathmell, MD
James Rhee, MD, PhD
Ria A. Richardson, MD
Matthias L. Riess, MD, PhD, FASA
Joseph B. Rinehart, MD, FASA
R. Michael Ritchey, MD
G. Alec Rooke, MD, PhD
Andrew D. Rosenberg, MD, FASA
Henry Rosenberg, MD, FACA
James R. Rowbottom, MD
John C. Rowlingson, MD, FACA
Kurt Ruetzler, MD
Lynn M. Rusy, MD
Mon Saepharn
Cheryl Salmon
Aubrey Samost-Williams, MD
Warren S. Sandberg, MD, PhD, and Elisabeth Hollister Sandberg, PhD
Taran Sangari, MD
Katie J. Schenning, MD, MPH
Mark Schlangel, MD, MBA, FASA
Mark S. Schreiner, MD
Larry M. Segers, MD
Sudipta Sen, MD, FASA
Daniel I. Sessler, MD, and Ximena Valdes Sessler, MD
Jonathan L. Sessler, PhD
Pamela Flood, MD, MA, and Steven L. Shafer, MD, FASA
Sonali Shah, MD
Evan Shawler, MD
Shiqian Shen, MD, PhD
Colby G. Simmons, DO, MBA
Connor Singrey, MD
Murali Sivarajan, MBBS, FACA, and Gouri Sivarajan, MD
Nikolaos J. Skubas, MD, FASE
Ken Solt, MD
Lynn Spitler, MD
Roshni Sreedharan, MD, FASA
Srikanth Sridhar, MD, FASA
Jason Srnec, MD
Joseph Stoeckl, MD
Charlotte Streetzel, MD
Astrid G. Stucke, MD
Maya S. Suresh, MD
Preetham J. Suresh, MD
Madiha Syed, MD
Helen Szeto, CRNA
Harry Tagalakis, MD
Gee Mei Tan, MD
Jonathan M. Tan, MD, MPH, MBI, FASA
Stephen J. Thomas, MD, FACA, FANZCA, FRCA, and Ellen Thomas
Katie Thompson
Samuel Tirer, MD
Michael M. Todd, MD
Paloma Toledo, MD, MPH
Ihab Y. Toma, MD
Chuanyao Tong, MD
Carlos E. Trombetta, MD, FASA
Lawrence C. Tsen, MD
Alparslan Turan, MD
Soban Umar, MD, PhD
Gregory K. Unruh, MD, FASA
Emily A. Vail, MD, MSc
Robert W. Vaughan, MD, FACA, M. Sue Vaughan, RN, PhD
Megha Vipani, MD
Christopher M. Viscomi, MD
Keith M. Vogt, MD, PhD, FASA
Joyce A. Wahr, MD, and Dennis Wahr, MD
Brett J. Wakefield, MD
Mi Wang, MD
Christopher G. Ward, MD
Erikka Washington, MD
Lucy A. Waskell, MD, PhD
Ronald Wasserman, MD, RCPSC
Margaret R. Weglinski, MD
Jarret Weinrich, PhD
Lynn Westphal
Lois Wetmore, DVM, MS
Emmett E. Whitaker, MD, FAAP
Robert T. Wilder, MD, PhD
George Williams, II, MD, FCCM, FCCP, FASA
John Wills, MD, FANZCA
Jimmy Windsor, MD
Cynthia A. Wong, MD, FASA
Sheila Wornum
Crystal C. Wright, MD, FASA
Hannah Wunsch, MD, MSc
Melville Q. Wyche, MD, FACA
Zheng Xie, MD, PhD, FASA
Jijun Xu, MD, PhD
Xiaobing Yu, MD
Christine Zainer, MD
Erica Zanath, MD
Amber K. Zdanovec, MD
Raymond A. Zollo, MD
Andrew Zura, MD, FASA
Dr. Daniel Sessler is a longtime champion of anesthesiology research and developing those who conduct it. He is the Michael Cudahy Professor and Chair of the Department of OUTCOMES RESEARCH at the Cleveland Clinic.
Board certified in pediatrics and pediatric cardiology, Dr. Ximena Valdes Sessler is now retired and dedicates her time volunteering, including working as a docent at the Cleveland Museum of Art and tutoring at the Thomas Jefferson International Newcomers Academy.
Curated by: BH
Last updated by: BH
Date of last update: January 27, 2025