Clarification of PAPR use in the Operating Room also available for download (PDF)
Clarification of PAPR use in the Operating Room: When an N95 cannot be properly fit tested for use by healthcare personnel in the operating rooms and other invasive procedure areas or an N95 is not available for urgent/emergent procedures, we recommend that an interdisciplinary team including infection control, nursing, surgery and anesthesia personnel determine how PAPRs may be most safely used for respiratory protection in the perioperative environment when a sterile field is present.1
Each health care facility or system should develop a standardized procedure for perioperative PAPR use and protection of the sterile field from contamination, (e.g. identify portions of the sterile field to be covered; direction of the blower exhaust; and type of PAPR allowed, such as loose-fitting, full face piece, or hood style).1
1. Guideline for sterile technique. In: Guidelines for Perioperative Practice. Denver, CO: AORN, Inc; 2020e.