CAWS conducts and supports informed anesthesia workforce research to improve policy and planning at state and national levels. CAWS provides analyses based on multiple data sources to address critical workforce issues in anesthesia and perioperative services, including education and training, geographic distribution and access, trends in supply and demand, care delivery models, and the impact of anesthesia-related group practices and alternative organizational models.
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In January 2017, then-ASA President Dr. James Grant, proposed the creation of a center focused on workforce-related analytics and research that would be the official ASA source of workforce data. In August 2017, the ASA Executive Committee approved and established ASA’s Center for Anesthesia Workforce Studies (CAWS) within the Department of Analytics and Research Services (ARS).
CAWS has developed the following resources to assist you in navigating critical workforce issues.
New! Visit the Anesthesia Workforce Publications and Presentations below for recent additions of workforce-related topics summarized in Data Briefs.
Curated by: CAWS Staff
Date of last update: March 18, 2025