June 14, 2023
ASA Advises CMS to Pull Back Proposed Hospital-Level Geriatric Measures
On Thursday, June 8, 2023, ASA
submitted comments to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on the FY 2024 Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) proposed rule laying out the agency’s policies and programs at the hospital level. ASA’s letter focused on a pair of proposed structural attestation-based measures: the “Geriatric Hospital Measure” and the “Geriatric Surgical Measure.”
ASA lauded CMS for making efforts to improve patient safety and quality of care for older patients in the inpatient hospital setting but recommended against including the proposed measures in the CMS’ Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting Program. ASA’s letter expressed concern that the terminology and measures often identify the generic “hospital” as the accountable figure for implementing the measures and lack supporting evidence on the outcomes achieved for implementing new policies or procedures at a facility. ASA offered to work with the measure steward and others on improving the measure and identifying the essential role of anesthesiologists in caring for older patients.
In addition to feedback on the proposed measures, ASA responded to a related request for information from CMS within the IPPS proposed rule on geriatric quality and patient safety. ASA provided best practices on engaging with post-acute care facilities, navigating barriers in implementing protocols for delirium and cognition screenings to identify high-risk patients, and coordinating with family caregivers, among other aspects of geriatric care.
Click here to read ASA’s full comment letter.
Please contact the ASA Department of Quality and Regulatory Affairs at
[email protected] with any questions.