Lifebox is the leading non-profit organization making surgery safer worldwide.
Unsafe surgery is the world’s fastest growing global health issue.
Lifebox supports surgical teams working in the most challenging environments in the world by providing the tools and training needed to make every operation safer.
The ASA-Lifebox Resident Challenge
The ASA-Lifebox Resident Challenge supports Lifebox’s work making surgery and anesthesia safer with a goal of equipping all operating rooms worldwide with pulse oximeters, training, and the protocols defined by the World Health Organization Surgical Safety Checklist. There are still over 50,000 Operating Rooms without a Pulse Oximeter.
The ASA-Lifebox Resident Challenge is an effort by resident programs all over the country competing to fundraise for Lifebox. All residents and their programs are invited to participate. An appointed resident leader can sign up their team.
Each team can build a custom page for their fundraising. This is a means for colleagues and peers to join the challenge and pool efforts and funds to support Lifebox’s mission and global pulse oximeter distribution efforts.
The competition is open to programs across the country and the winner will be announced at the annual Resident Component House of Delegates meeting during the ASA ANESTHESIOLOGY Annual Meeting.
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For all questions or more information please email [email protected]