Participate in online simulation training, get the latest from international journals or brush up on the fundamentals. At every stage of your career, ASA is by your side, providing support and resources designed to help you learn, grow and lead. Head to Shop ASA to discover learning that suits your style and schedule.
Not a member? Browse the full list of benefits and join today.
Maintain a solid grounding in the fundamentals with ACE
Keep your anesthesia knowledge fresh with 200 multiple choice questions and insightful discussion around anesthesia skills and practice. Try a sample question.
You don’t have time to read everything, so SEE does it for you
Discover emerging knowledge from 30+ international journals with SEE. Expand your knowledge and learn about advances you can apply to your practice. SEE for yourself.
Get crisis-ready with realistic online simulation training.
Participate in a series of high fidelity simulation scenarios within a virtual environment anywhere, at any time. Available individually or as a discounted bundle. Explore all 6 Anesthesia SimSTAT scenarios—including the new MRI module.
Stay competitive with diagnostic POCUS
New improvements in 2024 make the Diagnostic POCUS Certificate Program even more responsive to anesthesiologists' needs. Expand practice capabilities and advance your bedside diagnostic skills with training designed specifically for you. See what's new and start training now!
Fundamentals of Patient Safety 2024
This always-popular course has been fully refreshed with incremental credit claiming, updated content, and mobile-friendly design. Step through seven quick-hit mini modules to build your skills in patient communications, error analysis and prevention, building a safety culture, and more.
Improve patient safety with the latest Highlights package
Access patient safety learning with 15 new presentations direct from ANESTHESIOLOGY® 2024 and adopt expert strategies on cognitive overload, perioperative handoffs, airway management, and more. Improve your patient care and order now.
Prepare for and prevent rare, complex cardiac events.
Focus on issues unique to patients under anesthesia or in the perioperative setting to efficiently advance skills. PeRLS: Perioperative Resuscitation and Life Support Certificate concentrates on low-frequency, high-impact events that can make the biggest difference when the stakes are highest. Learn more.
Discover the latest top-of-the-line complimentary offerings
Take a look at the current complimentary course offerings, all thanks to generous educational grants from industry sponsors. Browse courses.
ANESTHESIOLOGY® annual meeting
Connect with the greatest minds in anesthesiology to learn the latest advances in the specialty and discover new ways to elevate your practice performance. Learn more.