Guest host, Dr. Zach Deutch, discusses rural anesthesia with Dr. William Roberts, guest editor of September’s ASA Monitor, and Dr. Suzanne Karan, a contributor to the issue. Hear their thoughts on improving access to care, managing limited resources, addressing workforce issues, caring for an aging patient population, training future anesthesiologists for rural settings, and more. Recorded July 2023.
Read the companion article in the ASA Monitor.
Dr. Suzanne “Suzie” Karan has been practicing Anesthesiology at the University of Rochester since 1998. Hailing originally from the Bronx, she completed her BA, MD, and medical internship in Brooklyn. She continued residency training in anesthesiology in Rochester, followed by fellowships in transplant anesthesia and research in respiratory physiology. She serves as the residency program director, vice chair of education, and chief clinical coordinator at Strong Memorial Hospital. In addition to her clinical practice and administrative roles, Dr. Karan directs her departmental respiratory physiology laboratory with a focus on the mitigation of postoperative respiratory depression, by modulation of pharmacologic and patient risk factors. Dr. Karan has also participated in various patient safety and quality initiatives, including her completion of the 2021 AMA Health Systems Science Scholar’s Program.
William Roberts, CRNA, MD, PhD, is an anesthesiologist with extensive practice experience in rural Vermont as both a CRNA and as an anesthesiologist. Dr. Roberts is the director of anesthesia strategy at the University of Rochester Medical Center Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, which is hosting a rural anesthesia elective option in their rural affiliates. His leadership roles included development of a rural addiction medicine program in Northwestern Vermont, collaboration with the Vermont state police in development of their Narcan administration training program, and serving on the board of directors and as chairman of the board of the Northwestern Physician Hospital Organization as well as a member of the Physician Policy Council of the Vermont Medical Society. He is a longstanding mentor for ASA rural Anesthesiology Scholarship recipients and for the PCSS-MAT Mentoring Program, American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP).
Zachary Deutch, MD, FASA, is an attending physician with US Anesthesia Partners-Florida and is a guest editor for The Central Line Podcast. Dr. Deutch serves on the editorial board for the ASA Monitor, and is the author of the bimonthly column "Ask The Expert." Dr. Deutch is also the physician review editor of the ASA Monitor Today, is a member of several ASA Committees, and is an at-large member of the ASA House of Delegates from Florida.
Dr. Deutch is a graduate of Princeton University and The George Washington University School of Medicine. His residency training was done at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, followed by a cardiothoracic anesthesia fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital.
Curated by: ASA Marketing and Communications
Date of last update: August 21, 2023